Tennessee Society of Mayflower Descendants
About Us
The Martin House where TSOMD was organized in 1948.
Rosalind Ewing Martin 1894-1983
Charter Member TSOMD
The Tennessee Mayflower Society was organized on August 10, 1948, in Chattanooga, by Mayflower Descendants living in the State of Tennessee, to preserve the history of our Mayflower ancestors. Our members keep their memory alive through genealogy, historical research, education, library donations, and preservation of historic records and sites.
Tennessee Society of Mayflower Descendants Charter Members
Rosalind Ewing Martin Margaret Middleton Wells Blake
Bashie Lindsey Martin James Marvin Gager, Jr.
Mary Virginia McVea Newell Erwin Clayburg Tompkins
Walter Weston Folger Agnes Gray Dexter Tompkins
Catherine Newell Oehmig Cynthia D. Tompkins Shell
Marie Gager Bessie Lindsley Christopher
Catherine Newell Oehmig (daughter) Marie Gager Cartinhour Woods
Bert McVea Newell Campbell Margaret Warner White
Elizabeth Dunbar Oehmig Mrs. George A. Hutcheson
Mary Virginia Campbell Williams Laura Lewis Hutcheson
Frances Oehmig Collins Cleda Arlene Martin Giffen* *organizer
Kitty Newell Oehmig Rosalind Ewing Martin